Writerly Life

Writer’s Block

I have had a serious case of writer’s block. Everytime I sat at my computer to begin a new blog entry my mind was spinning, I had a lot of ideas but they would not come out. It has been frustrating, exhausting, and discouraging. I help kids write, I help teachers to help kids to write, and I can’t write! My block seemed to dissolve today with a simple visit from my writing teacher friend Rachel. She just popped into my office filled with excitement over the new web site and the .org and suddenly I was ready to write. Was it her excitement? the new platform? or just seeing a colleague who shares my passion for teaching that inspired me to go forward? I am not sure which it was but it worked and I could not wait for a spare second to sit at my computer to write.
This got me thinking about our students. You know the ones who sit there and stare at a blank page with “nothing to write”. You give them encourgement, seed ideas, threats, and none of it works. None of those things worked for me either. It took time and a spontaneous visit from a friend. We have to give those students time and happy visits to their desk, checking in, sharing our excitement over our own writing, reading them some great lines from books. Who knows what will work but take it from me, something will, you just can’t plan on when.
Hopefully you can give those students a happy face and the time and space they need to get over their block (I know with days left in the school year the time thing may not be so easy…). I am glad my block is gone! Now let the dreaming begin!!