Writerly Life

sad teacher

I can’t find my happy teacher. She’s here somewhere; I have to believe it. But for now, I can’t find her. And the longer I stay in this profession, the more I learn that’s okay on days like today.

Most teachers don’t claim to be upset by the last day of school. But for me, I usually go home all twisted up inside, throw myself on my bed and I cry. I don’t let myself cry at school, that’s the last thing fourteen year olds need—more drama delivered by their teacher. Ha.

I have no problem admitting this to you, because it seems the most natural thing to do. When you spend 180 days with the same group of people, pouring yourself into teaching them, reading their journals, and loving their spunk, it just seems strange to move on without a good cry or two.

So for now, I’m gonna be sad. But tomorrow, watch out.

Because if there is one thing I’ve learned this year, it’s not to waste time—and all those dreams I’ve been blogging and blogging about, well they’re looking at my summer schedule with eager eyes and whispering to my aching heart, “Now is our time, let’s do this!”


6 replies on “sad teacher”

Part of my last day routine is sitting alone and reading cards and yearbook comments – usually accompanied by the need for a box of tissues. An unknown hazard of the trade and another reason skeptics who scoff at teachers’ having the summer “off” don’t know what they are talking about…

Amen! I wanted to wait until my last day of school (tomorrow) to read this blog. But after crying already (a lot!) yesterday I figured, what the heck! Ya know, you (Rachel) have to say bye to your kids every year and then they move on to a new building. Up until this year I would still run into my kids within the same building, even when they’ve moved on from my classroom. This is the first year that I will not have this luxury, so since my stomach has been in knots all week and I’ve been dreaming each night of sad goodbyes, I realize why. It’s hard to say good bye. But like one of my parents said, it would be selfish for her to keep me with her son forever. She wants to share me and mold a whole new group. Sounds silly and slightly braggish, but you know what I mean. So Rach, I have always known the end of school years are hard for you- but this year I had a bigger taste of it. And man, you deserve all the credit in the world (dangit, I’m crying again….)

<3 I love you so much miss smith. You can't begin to imagine how much I thought of you during my English class this year. I sat there saying, "man. I bet I would like this a lot more if heade us write stories, instead of writing about books." Then I thought, "Miss Smith really got to me didn't she?" hahaha. I can sadly say, since your class need I have written maybe…5 poems in a year. Very depressing. Mostly because my new English teacher sort of made me hate it. He taught is 'how to wrote poetry' . No. He taught us how to analyze it and copy other authors. I found it absolutely dredful. I don't like being told how to write and I'm sure you know that. I can also sadly say I have not continued my story as of now. I read through the whole thing and cried at your comments. I am going to be posting pieces of it on instagram to get more feedback (you can follow me if you want @mynameinlights ). I'm losing inspiration for my story and dont know where to take it next. Oh yeah one more question: what's a past participle?
Morgan Stabinski (:

Oh Morgan, I miss you guys too. I hope you pick up writing again over the summer, and I hope you fall in love with it all over again.

Past Participle? I’m pretty sure it’s just a past tense verb . . . like jumped or played

Oh hahaha . My Spanish teacher always talks about past participles and I’m like…. What?

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