Writerly Life

Happy Birthday Siena

New friends of mine had a baby tonight. When I say new friends, I want you to know that these are not the new kind of friends you move on from. No, these are the kind of friends you meet and wonder where they have been your whole life. These are the kind of friends that remind you that God is good and big and that he brings all things/people together in perfect timing.

So join me in welcoming little Siena girl to the world tonight. As I write this she is only twenty minutes old and I am getting text updates from a friend who is in the hospital waiting room in New York. The last update was “she came out chubby, that’s all we know.” And then I started to cry, right here in Starbucks.

My very next thought was how I wanted to hold her and how I really wanted to read to her, Mr.Brown Can Moo, Can You? Literacy, it runs in my veins.

I recently spent time with Liana, the child of another friend of mine, she is only a year old, but her first word was book. In fact when her mom took a book out of the bag her eyes lit up. Liana’s amazing mother told me that when she reads Hop on Pop to Liana, she’ll say “hop, hop” in her little Liana voice with inflection and excitement— just like her mom does as she reads. Insert melting heart here.

Then there is Jerus, he’s a pretty perfect gentleman that I’ve had the joy of watching grow over the past six years. I’ve spent plenty of time reading to him and doing all the voices. In fact when he was a baby and he would cry I used to just quote lines from Snuggle Puppy and he would stop crying to hear the familiar words. Last week I had the pleasure of listening to him read Little Bear to me. I practically had tears in my eyes as he read the first sentence to me; I was so proud of him.

I love the rich legacy of literacy that we pass on to our children. Some of my favorite memories of growing up involve reading books in bed with my Mom. On dark nights with a full moon, I can still hear my mom’s voice in my head reading aloud from Owl Moon.

In my classroom, I’ve recently been spending some time reading Bronx Masquerade to my kids. They’re fourteen. They don’t need to be read to. However, there is something about the sharing of written words that brings us together. I live for these moments; when I am not their teacher but the reader of a story that we journey through together.

To the Beautiful, Amazing Siena: Happy Birthday; I can’t wait to watch your eyes get wide as you hear the rhythms that written words bring to your ears; I can’t wait to hear you sound out your first words; I can’t wait to journey with you and discover all over again the mystery of written words.



Looking for Mentor Texts

Wouldn’t it be great to have a place to go and find a great selection of mentor text for all of your needs?  The list would be never-ending but imagine the possibilities! 

Let’s start the list here…post all of the great mentor texts you have used and a brief description of what you were using them to “notice”.  If we all work together we will have the Ultimate Mentor List.

Enjoy the Spring Break!  Off to fill Easter Baskets…


A Happy Week for a Happy Teacher…

This past week was a reminder of why I am a teacher…becasue it makes me happy.  Here is a rundown of a happy week…

Monday- Found out that student writing from the various “writing galleries” held in our school was going to be put on display in the school board meeting room!  The kids are going to love it!

Some amazing 8th grade writers and their inspiring teacher are taking their next gallery to the big time.  A Saturday evening gallery at a local restaurant, this will be an unforgettable experience for those writers.

Tuesday- Conferences with a few 5th grade readers who have come so far in their appreciation of books.  Their comments and connections brought a week long smile to my face.

Wednesday– Rubric writing workshop with Jay McTighe.  He has a way of explaining things in a matter-of-fact, practical manner that lets you know you can do this.  If you ever have a chance to attend one of his workshops definitely go!

Thursday– Curriculum writing witht hte most talented, hardworking team of teacher I have ever worked with.  The passion and knowledge these teachers bring to their work is what makes our school such a great place to be.

Friday– Time with a good friend and colleague who is willing to help with ANYTHING!  Thanks Rachel.

A week in the life of a happy teacher….

Writerly Life

What I’m Really Trying to Say . . .

I just spent an hour looking at the last days of the year; this happy teacher almost cried. It’s a good thing I have friends that understand me; my loving neighbor Courtney just reminded me I have the perfect amount of time. She knows the routine this time of year; she’s even seen the actual tears that come the week after the last days of school. Feel free to laugh at me; I recognize the strangeness of that last sentence.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m itching for summer and days without alarm clocks. I know the importance of summer and the refreshment it brings to my teaching. However, there is something in me around this time of year that doesn’t want to leave.

I fall in love with the kids in my classroom and the relationships we build. And for as much as I hate planning lessons and spending what seems like every free moment of my time reading journals— I miss it.

And so as I carefully plan these last 38 days of school I’m asking myself the questions I ask so often when I conference with my writers, “What’s really important here?” and “That matters because . . .” and “So what you’re really trying to say is . . . “

Here is my list of what matters in these last days of school.

  1. Celebrating their writing
  2. Treasuring language that moves us
  3. Recognizing and Pushing through difficult writing/reading

I’ll let you know how my mini-lessons go . . .

Hidden Gems Book Talk

Naming & Teaching

            When I first heard Katherine Bomer speak at Columbia University over a year ago, Hidden Gems was due to come out in a month. She spoke fast and with passion about how to talk to kids about their writing; she used up all of the hour allotted to her and allowed some of her time to trickle into the next session. Finding hidden gems in student writing was clearly something she believed in.

            Her energy caught me, and I preordered the book. In other words, I am a dork. This is probably my fourth time reading through the book; I will probably need to read chapter four a few more times before it actually flows naturally in my conferences.

            I am so thankful for the grey boxes she provided to help me talk to my writers. The more that I name and teach the skills I want my kids to have, the more I realize how vitally important it is to be more specific. Don’t get me wrong, I have conferences where I fall flat on my face in this area, almost everyday. I can’t tell you how many times I have been in Stacy’s office this year to talk about how to have an effective writing conference. I have been frustrated by kids who just stare at me when I ask them what goal they are working on; I have been unable to think of anything good to say about a piece.

            However, when I look back at this chapter I am reminded that if I just slow down, and name things specifically the kids will eventually get the hang of it. Don’t get me wrong I sometimes feel silly when I say to a kid, “Your writing feels tense and edgy,” but I have yet to have a student laugh at that feedback. In fact more often than not their eyes light up and they are confident they have done something right. It is from this place of confidence that I can teach and encourage revision.

            What quotes from the book do you think you might be able to weave into a writing conference?


Priceless Birthday Presents

Yesterday was my birthday.  My children were much more excited for the day than I was.  For about a week secret whispers were being passed, craft supplies were being smuggled up to bedrooms, and doors were being slammed shut everytime I walked past.  What I opened yesterday from my three children were the most overwhelming birthday gifts I have ever received…each of them wrote me a book!

My oldest daughter organized the endeavor and her brother and sister joined in with equal enthusiasm.  Bridget wrote a book of poetry Poems for All Seasons-13 Poems to Read Throughout the Year.  Aija wrote The Day I Came, a book about the day she and Leo came to live with us forever, (which also happened to be my birthday two years ago and still remains the very BEST birthday present!).  Leo stuffed some drawings in a gift bag and presented “his book”.  Priceless

Three children who understand the value of their writing and feel so much pride in giving it as a gift.  Our jobs as educators is to make every child we work with feel that pride about their writing. Help every child feel like their writing is a priceless birthday gift worth the effort to give to someone special.  As you comment on a student’s writing today think about what you could say to help them realize the value of their work.

Writerly Life

When the Bloodthirsty Attack

Below is a section of writing from one of the blogs I read: Eblogger Jason at Heartist

“I’m concerned with hidden love these days. I think we underestimate how many people are getting railed by critics out there. We assume that they know they’re loved and appreciated, but do they? I tend to think that the scoreboard is really lopsided in favor of the critics.

Bloodthirsty – 9

Friends – 1

We have to put some points on the board. If we lose at this level, we lose at every level.”

I have to agree with Jason. A goal of mine this year has been to speak these truths to the people in my life. All too often I’ve heard students say, “I’m just no good at this,” and thought in my head wow, you couldn’t be more wrong. All too often a friend has expressed their guilt at letting people down or not being able to do anything right, and again in my head, wow, you couldn’t be more wrong.

So I purpose to make sure people in my life know they’re loved an appreciated. I’m not very good at doing this in person and on the spot, when I do remember to say things this way it often feels awkward and forced. I’m so thankful for written words in times like these.

My student’s journals have been one safe place for me to practice my affirming techniques. I’ve found that the more you tell them they are good at something (and name it specifically) the more they believe it, the more their self-confidence grows, the better they become as a writers.

I am learning; it’s not just students that need this kind of affirmation. We all do. Because when the bloodthirsty attack and believe me, they will. It’s the words of trusted friends that will get you through.

So go ahead my blog reading friends, let people know with words that what they are doing is good.



My kids started the writing PSSA on Monday with a little love from our friend Evan. Here’s the e-mail he sent them.

Hey Rachel, can you pass on to the kids I’m throwing all my luck at them today.  It’s amazing to see how far they have come this year, and if they keep in mind everything we did this year and write from their hearts, there is no reason why they all won’t destroy this little test!

Can’t wait to come back in the bear future! Yarrrr.


I read them the e-mail in the midst of testing silence. I glanced up while I was reading, and I could see a glimmer in their eyes. Then in a moment that seemed surreal, even to an 8th grade teacher, I read the last line and the kids shouted out in unison, “Yarrrr!!”


I felt as though I as was leading my team into the championships and we were huddled up close shouting some secret phrase only we knew. In truth they were spread out with state mandated tests and sharpened number two pencils, but it was a bonding moment all the same.


Regardless of how they do on the test, I’m so proud of them. And maybe I’m thinking, this isn’t the championships after all, maybe this is just a victory lap, because in my eyes (and I’m thinking theirs too) they’ve already won.

Classroom Writing

“I am a writer”

This morning I was walking the fifth grade hallway, moving students into block 1 quickly so they could begin the writing section of the PSSA.  Of course, as I was hurrying them I was also chatting with them.  What I heard was encouraging, uplifting, and just plain awesome!  I spoke with kids who were smiling and enthusiastic about taking the test, what?!?  “I can do this” one student told me, “my teacher has given me a lot of feedback about adding content and I feel ready to do that”.  Another said, “I know I have to have a plan before I write and that will help me to stay organized.”  The one that really got me was the student who told me, “we are really good writers in this class, we impress everyone who reads our writing!”

In those statements I can see and hear all of the work teachers have put into their writing instruction.  Out teachers have begun to empower our students as writers.  Making them believe they are writers is the biggest step in developing writers.  I don’t know if the test scores will show it,  I don’t really care right now, I know we are developing writers here…just ask them.


Again and Again

This summer I picked up Time for Meaning: Crafting Literate Lives in Middle & High School by Randy Bomer. I have successfully carried this book to and from work many days, it has been on vacations, it has even sat with me in waiting rooms. I would love to tell you that it has been with me all these places because of how dearly I loved the book, but that’s simply not true. I wanted to love it, but maybe I just wasn’t ready.

I think I had to walk the journey on my own for a bit. Fail and succeed. Be really frustrated and really proud. And I’ve certainly been there this year, taking risks in my classroom, doing my best to figure out how to grow a community of readers and writers. Maybe if I had picked up this book sooner I might have missed out of some of the frustration, but sometimes frustration is a key part of the journey.

As I was reading this morning, I was reminded of how I felt in the beginning of this year, introducing the concept of journal writing to my class. It was labor intensive, it required me to be at full brainpower—all the time. It took me awhile to learn that I couldn’t possibly teach them every skill I wanted them to know by the end of September.

“For now, I had to let go of my hyperactive concern with the excellence of the writing and be satisfied teaching a process. Learning the new technology of using a notebook to work on a piece of writing took up the writer’s energy and attention—and mine. Later, there would be time to pay the proper attention to learning from literature to write well. As I would again and again, I was learning to ask, What’s my exact purpose here? And then teach in a more focused way.”

So, now as we move into the last marking period, I’m not worried about the process; the kids get it. I’m not reading every word they write anymore, but I am relishing in the moments that they run to me with their words begging me to hear a line they have crafted just like their favorite author.

They don’t know it all. I’m still overwhelmed with the magnitude of what I want to teach them. But again and again, I am learning to ask, What’s my exact purpose here? And then teach in a more focused way.