Classroom Writerly Life Writing

happy kid notes


Taking Time out to Reflect

I’ve been teaching full time for six years; I love my job more now than I ever have. If you had told me that when I was twenty years old walking into my first class as Drew McCorkell’s support teacher, I would have laughed in your face. As things progress they tend to get mundane, or routine at the least. But at six years in, I don’t think I will ever use those words to describe my job or my heart for it.

This morning I finally sat down with the bags. I’d like to think all teachers have this day or this time where you sit down and unpack all that you deemed worthy of bringing home for the summer. For me, it usually takes a week or so to motivate myself to do it. Probably mostly because I have no idea where I’ll put all that stuff for the summer, but also in part because I know I’ll start seeing my kids in those bags and in the beginning I’m just not ready too sad for that.

And then I found the folders, labeled with their blocks, containing handwritten feedback happy kid notes from my students writers. Soon the floor was covered in their writing, and the tissue box was sitting next to me.  Of all the assignments I give in a typical year, this one is the most selfish. I know that; I don’t care. I tell them to write me, what they loved and what they hated about the year so that I would know what to change and what to keep—then I throw onto the end, add in anything else you want to tell me, no rules at all.

This year’s end result were notesfromhappystudents, and of course since I am ahappyteacher I couldn’t have been more pleased or moved by the power of their words. If you’ve never had your students write you notes, if you’ve never written someone a note of encouragement, sit down—write—it breathes life into unspoken truths.

So I’m going to leave you today with a unique note written by one of my writers— she caught me off guard with this style—she had tears in my eyes before the first comma, because in the end, each year is like its own fairy tale, my childhood dreaming, my adult reality.


Dear Miss Smith,

Once upon a time, there was a teacher who cared about her class. She taught from her heart and her mind was so connected to them, it was so unreal. She made them feel so safe and secure, as if they could never get hurt. Her class was like a big sanctuary of secrets. Only her students knew what was up.

She showed them videos of what her neighbors had to say, and videos of poets who inspired their eyes word by word. Like someone who had them all brainwashed. Only for the good. Because truly they were the stars. The ones shining above the rest. Each and every day.

And they glistened in her eyes as she watched them grow and become writers instead of kids who scribbled their minds across a blank page. She crafted them. She molded her students into better people inside and out of the classroom. She told them continuously, over and over, like a broken record, that they were special. That they could easily make a difference in this world. They didn’t believe her at first. But now they do. And some of them believe in themselves. All because she dedicated her heart to them and continued to love them no matter what the circumstances were. Feeling like they were on top of the world, this class loved her back.

So once upon a time . . .

This unforgettable teacher was you. And those crazy students . . . well . . . they were us.

Yeah . . .

It was definitely a wild adventure . . . and honestly, I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way either.




Classroom Hidden Gems Book Talk Writing

Gallery Reflection

Thank you Cafe 110!
Twenty:5, A Writer's Gallery

Maybe the original idea for this gallery came from Hidden Gems by Katherine Bomer, or maybe it came from my last day at Columbia University’s Writing Project with Chris Lehman. My teaching life has been flipped upside down in the best of ways this year. Celebrating has been at the heart of it, and after two formal Writer’s Galleries in my classroom, I felt these eighth graders deserved a little more. Regardless of how the idea came about, I certainly did not realize what it would become . . .

It all started after Easter, true to form I asked the kids to generate ideas about what they would write about. We talked about the importance of writing strengths, we wrote seed ideas for some, we made mini-plans; we did what was natural. Then we chose our topics and drafted.

At this point we camped out with revision; we had Stacy and Evan visit our room to help us—I researched how to revise poetry. Our pieces were shifting, they were becoming stronger—we were talking more, giving good feedback and pushing each other; we all wanted the gallery to be good. By the time we got to editing, I could feel my nerves rising. We brought in Courtney for event planning and organization/mounting of their pieces in the gallery. When I tell you these kids worked hard on these pieces, I want you to know—they worked hard.

On the day of the gallery, we arrived (Courtney, Hannah, & I) at Café 110 around noon. Dressed in workout clothes and sweating from the lack of air conditioning, I looked at the blank walls and the huge stack of pieces. Doubt poured through ever fiber of my being. Would people come? Would they point out the two spelling mistakes I just saw? Would people just “hang out” and read nothing, negating the purpose of the event altogether? But regardless of the questions hanging in the thick air around me, I would have to press on; the event had 189 reservations—too much to cancel for tonight.

The three of us, moved through the afternoon, talk was quick and focused. As I pressed the sticky tack against the walls, I would look at the pieces and hear my heart pounding. I saw the countless revisions. I saw their work on sentence structure. I remembered asking them why this was important to share. It was then that I got it. This work, written by my students needed to be there, outside of the school, in a gallery. I needed to say with my actions, you’re right, this is important to share—I believe in you. Student by student the pieces went on the walls next to a nametag that bore the phrase, Featured Author. If we didn’t need to move so fast, I would have turned to mush weeping at the power of the affirmation of putting their words on the wall.

In no time at all, I was getting dressed and heading downstairs. At five o’clock exactly the first guests began to arrive. The rooms began to fill; my heart began to race. Soon, I was greeting people and hugging students (Have I ever mentioned that social situations like this give me anxiety? I don’t like parties of more than three, seriously what was I thinking?)

I wish I could tell you something that someone said to me that night; I wish I could describe a student’s face or tell you about the parents I saw cry over their child’s written words. But I can’t, it’s a blur.

But here is what I can tell you, people came, and lucky for me they wrote comment cards. I want to leave you with some of these comments typed out—they warmed my heart, they reminded me why I do what I do, they validated my theory that celebrating kids is one of the most important jobs a teacher can do.

Awesome event.

You have been a wonderful inspiration to_______. I feel she has really grown in her writing this year. You made her year.

My daughter and I teared up reading your letter. Thank you for this opportunity!

I never knew my daughter could write like that.

Every part of this night had a definite “touch of class”

This was a beautiful event that shows how much you care about your students.

I never knew my son felt that way about life.

Tonight felt so professional. I love being a real author.

I would have loved to be part of this when I was in 8th grade or any grade! These kids write incredibly!

Each child captured their heart and put it on a page. The beauty of their writing caught me off guard.

To see more AMAZING pictures of the night, Click here: Twenty:5, A Writer’s Gallery.


A Few Important Thank You Shout-Outs!

This night would not have happened without you . . .

Cafe 110- Thank you for your amazing service and your willingness to help pull this event off!

Courtney- Event planning, Organizational Support, Invitations, umm Everything?

Hannah- Lovability, Day of Event Everything Go to Girl, People Counting, & Did I mention love?

Matt- Parking & Ballons!

Mr.Cressman & Ms. Tashner- Parents and Amazing Photographers

Evan & Stacy- Revision & Coming up beside me when this idea was just a dream, oh how I am thankful for you!

Columbia University, Chris Lehman, & Katherine Bomer- Teaching me that I can be the kind of teacher who does stuff like this!

Carolyn- Everyday classroom help, I couldn’t have done it without you!

Ryan, Lauren, Amy, Omar, Devon, Mr.Bramhall, Hannah, & Courtney- Event Clean-Up!

Mom- Believing in me, teaching me to treasure and affirm.

In case you don't know what we look like . . .Stacy & Rachel



Classroom Writing

Writing Therapy

Just the other night my fifth grade daughter reminded me of the importance of writing as therapy.  Bridget is and always has been VERY afraid of tornadoes.  An otherwise rational 11 year old can become hysterical and dive for cover if the word is mentioned by a weather forecaster.  The rash of horrible tornadoes in the southeast recently has been troubling to her, to say the least.  The other night, after catching a quick glimpse of a report on the news, she quietly went upstairs.  What she later brought down to me to read was the reminder that writing is therapy.  She had written a beautiful poem expressing her awe at the power of the storms but also the strength of the people who will rebuild their homes and their lives.  Bridget did what I wish all of our students would do, she reached down to her true feelings, her fears, and used writing to sort those feelings out and make sense of them.  She used writing as her therapy, her way of making things ok. 

As you go into your classroom tomorrow think about the kids sitting there.  Do they have fears, worries, concerns that they may not know how to deal with.  Maybe if we show them how to write them down writing can be their therapy too.  Next time you want to tell your students what to write about think of Bridget and tornadoes, what is your students’ tornado?

Classroom Writerly Life Writing

Writing Partners

Tonight I have written five absolutely fantastic starts to blog posts, that I’m not ready to share with the world. That’s the funny thing about writing, it’s so personal and yet, its true beauty is released only when shared. All five of these posts felt risky when I was writing them—some of my closest friends don’t even know I feel this way or dream about that.

I’m left thinking about what I ask my kids to do in my classroom. One of the goals on their writing checklist is, “Take Risks in Writing”. Don’t get me wrong you could take that goal anyway you wanted to, but when you’re in eighth grade, usually that means write something with content that you don’t normally share. The problem with this is simple: sharing is important in a community of writers.  It’s how we do our best thinking, by analyzing and helping to refine each other’s writing.

In my room we have writing partners, we switch these partners two, maybe three times a year. These are kids that know each other well, and until tonight I would have told you that my reasoning in this was so that they could hopefully see patterns in each other’s style and way of writing—so that they could call one another out when junk was written and applaud when the level of writing was lifted.

But, maybe there is more to these partnerships than that. Because honestly, someone will see those first five blog posts. They’ll run in the form of e-mails at some point to Jess, a trusted friend, who will shot me real and honest feedback. Somehow from those e-mails, I learn which ideas/dreams are ready to be harvested and shared, and which are not yet quite ready for their journey to the ears of others. We never formally sat down and said, “Will you be my writing partner?” Things just sort of morphed that way over the years; I couldn’t imagine having the guts to write this blog without years of Jess e-mails behind me.

As I listen in on my student’s conversations I realize more and more that “writing partner” means more than a friend to walk through the process with. Writing partners are friends who listen to stories that aren’t quite ready for the rest of the world, and love you the same whether your writing is junk or Pulitzer Prize material.

Classroom Writing

poetry & revision

I fell in love with poetry this summer, spending summer nights in the West Village Bowery Poetry Club listening to Carlos Andres Gomez bring the house down with spoken word.


Carlos wasn’t the first time I fell in love with poetry; in fact the first unit I was ever proud of as a teacher, was a poetry unit I did at Benchmark School using the book Bronx Masquerade. Drew McCorkell & I were quite the team, teaching kids to write with passion and encouraging them to take risks as writers.

Then there is now, in my classroom. I’ve been working with kids, watching them craft poetry in their journals. Sometimes they sit there, scribble down a few obviously unheartfelt lines, close up their journal and claim they are done. My blood begins to boil; I’ve taught them to revise, to reflect, to dialogue; why are they doing this to me?

And then I realize, poetry is different. It’s not always safe to share and revision happens differently. I would have to teach my kids how to spend time with a poem, revisit it, and clarify the poem to make their message clear and yet still have that foggy quality that only poetry can have. As I started thinking, I realized I don’t often do these things in my own poetry, and I wasn’t sure how authors did it either. So with the help of my kids and authors like Ralph Fletcher and Sarah Kay, along with Katie Wood Ray and maybe a little Barry Lane, we came up with this helpful list for revising.

Here is our wall chart of Poetry Revision Strategies:

  • Star your favorite line.
    • Move that line to the top of your poem
    • Craft a new stanza after that line
  • Add in Similes and Metaphors
    • It’s a poet’s love language
    • It lets people connect
  • Take out words
    • Take out as many words as you can
    • Poets leave room for people to think for themselves
  • Line/ Stanza Breaks
    • Create drama and set a mood
    • Breaks say to the reader—think about that
  • Use Repetition
    • Draw attention to the importance of a line or phrase
  • Craft strong conclusions
    • Leave the reader with a feeling, image, connection, or question

I’m thankful that my classroom is a learning community and that we can create these lists and journey together. Initially, I wasn’t sure that they would go for these strategies, but after spending a year together taking risks they seemed thankful that we could take the mystery out of the process—bring it back to the familiar writing routine we loved— and allow the risk to be within the content only . I was thankful that I wasn’t going crazy, and that we had all remembered to revise, to reflect, to dialogue.


Hidden Gems

Good morning Hidden Gems readers…for today’s book club comment with something affirming that you read and something new you are going to try.  If you have more to say please say it!  Just cliock on comment and add your thoughts to the conversation.  Happy blogging…


Looking for Mentor Texts

Wouldn’t it be great to have a place to go and find a great selection of mentor text for all of your needs?  The list would be never-ending but imagine the possibilities! 

Let’s start the list here…post all of the great mentor texts you have used and a brief description of what you were using them to “notice”.  If we all work together we will have the Ultimate Mentor List.

Enjoy the Spring Break!  Off to fill Easter Baskets…


A Happy Week for a Happy Teacher…

This past week was a reminder of why I am a teacher…becasue it makes me happy.  Here is a rundown of a happy week…

Monday- Found out that student writing from the various “writing galleries” held in our school was going to be put on display in the school board meeting room!  The kids are going to love it!

Some amazing 8th grade writers and their inspiring teacher are taking their next gallery to the big time.  A Saturday evening gallery at a local restaurant, this will be an unforgettable experience for those writers.

Tuesday- Conferences with a few 5th grade readers who have come so far in their appreciation of books.  Their comments and connections brought a week long smile to my face.

Wednesday– Rubric writing workshop with Jay McTighe.  He has a way of explaining things in a matter-of-fact, practical manner that lets you know you can do this.  If you ever have a chance to attend one of his workshops definitely go!

Thursday– Curriculum writing witht hte most talented, hardworking team of teacher I have ever worked with.  The passion and knowledge these teachers bring to their work is what makes our school such a great place to be.

Friday– Time with a good friend and colleague who is willing to help with ANYTHING!  Thanks Rachel.

A week in the life of a happy teacher….


Priceless Birthday Presents

Yesterday was my birthday.  My children were much more excited for the day than I was.  For about a week secret whispers were being passed, craft supplies were being smuggled up to bedrooms, and doors were being slammed shut everytime I walked past.  What I opened yesterday from my three children were the most overwhelming birthday gifts I have ever received…each of them wrote me a book!

My oldest daughter organized the endeavor and her brother and sister joined in with equal enthusiasm.  Bridget wrote a book of poetry Poems for All Seasons-13 Poems to Read Throughout the Year.  Aija wrote The Day I Came, a book about the day she and Leo came to live with us forever, (which also happened to be my birthday two years ago and still remains the very BEST birthday present!).  Leo stuffed some drawings in a gift bag and presented “his book”.  Priceless

Three children who understand the value of their writing and feel so much pride in giving it as a gift.  Our jobs as educators is to make every child we work with feel that pride about their writing. Help every child feel like their writing is a priceless birthday gift worth the effort to give to someone special.  As you comment on a student’s writing today think about what you could say to help them realize the value of their work.

Classroom Writing

“I am a writer”

This morning I was walking the fifth grade hallway, moving students into block 1 quickly so they could begin the writing section of the PSSA.  Of course, as I was hurrying them I was also chatting with them.  What I heard was encouraging, uplifting, and just plain awesome!  I spoke with kids who were smiling and enthusiastic about taking the test, what?!?  “I can do this” one student told me, “my teacher has given me a lot of feedback about adding content and I feel ready to do that”.  Another said, “I know I have to have a plan before I write and that will help me to stay organized.”  The one that really got me was the student who told me, “we are really good writers in this class, we impress everyone who reads our writing!”

In those statements I can see and hear all of the work teachers have put into their writing instruction.  Out teachers have begun to empower our students as writers.  Making them believe they are writers is the biggest step in developing writers.  I don’t know if the test scores will show it,  I don’t really care right now, I know we are developing writers here…just ask them.