Classroom Writerly Life Writing

if your mom is a teacher . . .

Sometimes when I’m generating small moment story ideas with my students, we use the strategy: People, Places, Stories. We think of places and people and then list the stories we have with them. Walking back through the door of Benchmark this week, I was flooded with memories; I could sketch out the grounds of this place and provide story after story, from year after year of my life.

I remember the joy I found in the art room with Carol, she would set me loose with clay or markers and let me create to my hearts content, in the little smelly room at the end of the hall.

I remember the mezzanine, up the scary stairs, and the yellow plastic chair that I sat on when they did summer school testing for me. I was certain I had read every one of the words right on the list, and I do remember them being quite proud of me (looking at my leveled color in the library today, I’m fearful I may not have been as accurate as I thought).

I remember the weeks before school started, having the whole playground to myself and how I could sing really really loud on the swings without anyone (see older brother) teasing me.

I remember the lunchroom, where I dreamed and dreamed that Dr.M might cast me to be in, “You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown.”

I remember Mr.Reichart letting me keep score for the kids in gym class, and I remember always messing up the score. And how I thought I would never make it to the top when I climbed the rock wall, and I almost started to cry at the bottom, but my brother was there telling me I could.

This week, I’ve been watching Megan Wonderland’s amazing daughter, Kayla, run in and out from camp with her perfectly sweet smile. I keep thinking of the adventures she’ll have in this place— I keep thinking of what it was like for me to grow up with a teacher as mom.

And I want to whisper to Kayla, “Isn’t it perfect, this place? How many books, and supplies, and places to hide, and isn’t it perfect how the middle schoolers love you the best because they know your mom?”

Sometimes it’s hard to grow up as a kid when your mom’s a teacher— they grade papers, plan lessons, and read books— all the time. Sometimes you have to share your mom’s heart with other kids, because they need extra love and it’s your mom’s job to do it. And there are times in the year when she’ll be so exhausted from kids or parents that she’ll come home and not really want to play with you, or she’ll use the scary teacher voice on you.

But when your mom’s a teacher, all your storybooks come alive cause her voices can’t be beat. And when your mom’s a teacher you can curl up in her lap longer cause she has to stay still to grade those papers. When your mom’s a teacher she knows how to play and be silly better than boring grown-up moms. Mostly, it’s perfect when your mom’s a teacher, because you learn that even though school might be hard for you—you get to run through the halls of this school barefoot and nobody cares.

If your mom’s not a teacher, you probably missed out. If you’re a teacher and raising kids, I’m impressed, but I also want to tell you, as the kid of a teacher, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.


digital classroom

I am a digital native, don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t consider myself a technology genius or anything like that. But, at the same time I would struggle to get through the day without my fingers on my laptop, iphone, and ipod (if you’re wondering if you should buy a Mac the answer is yes).

This past year in my classroom I experimented a lot with video. I used a Kodak PlaySport video camera (see flip camera) to record and analyze my own teaching. I let the kids make short films and projects on the camera. I even helped other staff members make their own video projects using the camera, and then I edited the footage using iMovie. Seriously, I love Mac products because they make it all so easy and accessible. I also used movies for sub plans; this kept the kids on track and made the sub’s day a little easier! Some days, I thought they liked watching me on video more than the real me.

At Columbia this year, I realized that I wasn’t the only one who was technology obsessed. Practically everyone was carrying around an iPad; the jealousy was killing me. I do love new toys, but this one would certainly have power in the classroom, especially if it had its own 3G server.  Think about it— we could Facechat on the big screen with Miguel in Africia, and Michele in Manhattan, and Tash in Australia, and Mom in Media, without any server firewalls telling us to arrange it through the tech department. Imagine the wealth of information that we could gain from five minutes of live conversation outside the walls of our classroom! Maybe we could even get some authors on there . . . oh iPad, you will find a happy home in our classroom!

I have a Kindle; this summer I’ve become pretty good friends with this beautiful piece of technology. I’ve heard plenty of adults complain about not being able to hold a “real book” or something like that, but I teach middle schoolers— and umm Kindles are cool. Anyway, I plan on bringing in the Kindle this year; my reluctant readers won’t know what hit them when I let them use that little book to read, take notes and oh my favorite feature—highlight!

Don’t even get me started on the wonders of a smart phone. I held out on getting one for so long because I didn’t want to pay that much for cell phone service— stupid decision, it is 100% worth the $80 cell phone bill. My favorite new application is Merriam-Webster Dictionary. I know it sounds dorky, but really it’s not. Sure, it does what you would expect, it defines words, but if you want you can just say the word you want to look up and it will spell/define it for you. For example, yesterday no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t figure out how to spell amateur correctly. I picked up my phone, said the word, and my phone spelled it for me. Can I get a hallelujah for less time wasted? And for the kids that will regain confidence and speed when I let them use my phone/ their phone for this free app!

There’s more, there’s so much more— I mean blogs, google docs, document cameras, smart boards, (the Wii???)— and our kids?They’re pretty good at using them all. I’m not bad at it either, but I’m totally willing to look stupid once in awhile as I learn.  If you work in my building and want to see any of these fun things in action this year, come on down. If you’re just reading for fun, comment and ask questions, try things out yourself, let me know what I’m missing. You don’t have to be a technology native to realize and use these tools in your classroom.

Classroom Reading

I’ve got the Magic

When I think about my time as a child, some of my closest memories are with picture books. I can still remember the thrill of the welcome invitation to jump into Mom’s bed and how fun it was to get tangled in her soft sheets. But mostly, I remember when she finally got my brother and I to be still, and listen to a story. It was magical; it didn’t matter that my brother had picked Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel for the tenth night in a row, because each time she read it I could live in the story and be amazed at Mike’s bravery and strength.

While I have kept these memories close to my heart, I haven’t really used picture books in my teaching. Sure, I’ve used them a few times— Who doesn’t want to read The Lorax during a propaganda unit? And Three Nasty Gnarlies is my favorite book to read them at the end of the year . . . but during my time at Columbia’s Reading Institute I was reminded not only of the magic behind these books, but of their power in a reading classroom (even an 8th grade language arts room like my own).

Reading a picture book that’s written for slightly older kids lends itself to instruction beautifully. First, with an interactive read aloud students can easily practice the skills from the minilesson within the context of a whole story. Picture books that are aligned with your unit of study, done once or twice a week, with a consistent structure provides your kids a wealth of opportunity to practice, without a major loss of time. During your interactive read aloud get kids to turn and talk using prompts like: discover, categorize, question, teach, wonder, compare & contrast. Get them thinking, get them talking, get them to remember the magic too.

The other big bonus of using picture books in your classroom is their ability to be used as a teaching tool in small skill based groups and independent reading conferences. When you see that your kids are struggling with a skill, you can think back to these books and teach from there. It’s so much easier because you already know the text and they do too. This way, let say if you haven’t read the independent reading book they’re reading, you can still teach a skill for them to use within their book. At Columbia they recommended that you actually carry the book with you to your conferences, just in case, and believe me, I’ll be doing just that— hopefully it will work like magic.

Classroom Reading

Because I want to know.

The Fourth of July was on a Monday this year, and I was in NYC. Although I knew I had class the next day, I still managed to make it quite a magical night out in the city. Wisdom tells me that next year I should probably plan on making it to bed sooner than I did, but alas sometimes I just HAVE to be twenty-something and in New York. Can you blame me?

I guess you could when you find out that I missed the Keynote for the first day of the institute—I’m gonna blame that on the Subway.

My first day at the Reading Institute started off slowly, with a cup of coffee in hand. Traces of my week working with writing were still dancing through my head, and friends from home were texting me in full force. I wasn’t sure I would be able to focus at all.

Then I saw Brooke Geller walk into the room; and I knew I would be fine. After all, I am ahappyteacher and tired or not I could never pass up an opportunity to learn from the best.

Class started off with a question: What are three books that you remember reading?

My answer: Hidden Gems, The Hunger Games, & Nickle and Dimed

Then we were instructed to fill in the blank. I’m the kind of person who likes to read books about _____________________________.

My answer: justice and compassion and their struggle to work together.

The tone was set. We needed to care about reading as teachers of reading. Right off the bat, they wanted to know who I was as a reader.

Immediately I found myself thinking of the first days of school this year, of all the work that would need to be done, and the importance of giving my students these kinds of reflective questions. The importance of saying, right off the bat, who are you as a reader? Because I want to know.

Professional Writerly Life

That too.

I journaled twice last week about reasons I love being home— there are a lot. But all the people that know me best are looking at me with questioning eyes, some are surprised I came home at all, so I’ll admit it, I wanted to stay at Columbia forever and become a teacher for the project. Maybe next year? For now, I’m sitting here with a highlighter, pouring through at least 100 pages of notes and two curriculum calendars.

Overwhelmed? Definitely. Christmas morning excited? That too.

Two weeks at Columbia was certainly an information overload. I wanted to blog everyday while I was there, but New York City is magical even for a workaholic like myself.

I’ve posted a lot about the week of writing instruction I had, it doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface with volume of information I’m actually taking away. My plan is to start tomorrow with the Reading Institute, and work on processing that. I promise to go back throughout the year and touch on each of these as they play out in my classroom.

As a side note, if you’re wondering where I’ve been (besides spending time networking for another project I’m working on), I’ve been snuggled up with my kindle.

On my first day at the Reading Institute, Mary Ehrenworth said this, “Reading about teaching reading but not actually reading novels is like talking about running but not actually running—you’re still not skinny.”

I’ve got a two-page book list— books for the kids, books for me, and only a few professional books, because summer is the perfect time to get lost in a dystopian fantasy. This reading teacher is off to . . . read. Maybe I’ll share my list with you during my next break?

Writerly Life

Senior Year English- Can’t Wait

When you look back on your high school year was senior year English a real highlight for you?  Probably not.  I remember vocabulary workbooks, weekly themes, reading a whole-class novel (or not reading it) and talking it to death during class.  I am certain that there was not much happening that connected to “real life”.  Thankfully for some of next years seniors that will not be the scenario….

I just read a new curriculum for 12th grade english, written by a highschool english teacher in my school district and it is so exciting I want to go back to highschool and take the course!  The title is Literature and Media Literacy and the class will examine just that; how literature, current issues and the media interact to effect society.  Mentor text will be used and the teacher will model her own thinking about an issue.  Reading, research and writing will be constant as students examine literature and various types of media pertaining to an issue of interest to them. 

Imagine, giving high school seniors the respect and responsibility to develop their own research questions, there own purpose for reading….I think there are a lot of lucky seniors out there who will have much better memories of their English class.

Classroom Writerly Life Writing

breaking silence— part 3

As a teacher and natural organizer, I love and maybe even crave structure. It makes me feel safe and lets me know what to expect. A predictable mealtime, the order I put hair products into my untamable curls (prep, cream, mouse, shine), dentist appointments six months apart on the 14th of August & February—this is not normal, but at least I’m upfront about it?

Needless to say, when we started to analyze the structure of memoirs, I was both happy and nervous to hear that not every story follows the “plot diagram” we teachers love to present to our students. Plot diagrams, they’re easy to teach, but they easily fall apart in the face of real literature. Not every story is as neatly packaged as I would like it to be, but that’s the beauty of a story—of life—inviting people in journeying together in the unstructured uncertainty of at all.

But sometimes we can use a little direction, from someone who has done it before, someone willing to lead the way (in this case a published author). So, in looking at short sections from mentor texts, we formed maps—short little diagrams of a craft moves.

From one text we found a string of pearls, —o—o—o—o—o—o— Short and beautiful moments of life held together with a common theme.

From another a series of events story told, A–>B–>C–>D

And from yet another, “Quotes”+ Reflection–> “Quotes” + Reflection

There were more texts, more patterns, and a room full of teachers looking from above at a text and mapping it out however they saw fit. Just seeing a pattern helped me to see purposeful craft moves that I could make, because even though my story wasn’t exactly the same, there was still much to learn.

The structure gave me something to hold onto, got me out of feeling so stuck in my writing, so while the reflecting was hard, it had a place in my story and I would have to go there to make the piece effective.

I wrote all that to say a few things:

  1. Wow, the impact of just a few carefully chosen mentor texts.
  2. Imagine the power of letting students create their own map & follow it.
  3. Being teachable— in writing, in reflecting, in journeying—Beauty.
Writerly Life

Teacher on Vacation

I spent this past week with my family at my parent’s beach house.  It was time filled with the expected beach activities; boogie-boarding, paddle ball, ice cream cones, and all of the rest.  We also did something a little bit different, something that I told my kids not every kid is lucky enough to do on their summer vacations, we wrote in our notebooks!  You know by now that my 11 year old eats this up, she would write for hours each night, so time to sit and have everyone write is her beach dream.  The seven and three year old go along because this is just what their zany mom does, my eight year old nephew took some convincing.  He is a very typical, active, fast moving, eight year old boy who feels that summer means “No School Stuff”.  Now didn’t he know he was with Aunt Stacy?

I had so many generating ideas from my few days with Mark Overmeyer I couildn’t wait to try them out, and what better place to gather your ideas than at the beach.  I told the more resistant members of the family that they were going to help me with some school “experiments” (eight year old boys love the word experiment, they think something may blow up!).  We started the first night with drawing a map of one place you had been that day.  Everyone got into this, comparing their maps and what they remembered about the same places.  From there we pied one item or place on the map and talked about what we remembered about it, the talk then became what you write about. 

 It was great!  The kids were talking, sharing ideas, getting excited to write their memories from the day.  I set the timer to write for 5 minutes, long enough to get some ideas down but not so long that a certain eight year old would be able to yell “I’m done” !  The pens, pencils, and crayons were moving like crazy, when the timer went off I even heard “wait, I need another minute”.  Everyone wanted to share what they wrote, what a special thing to watch, kids sharing their beach memories from that day, with huge smiles. 

Shouldn’t that be what every writing workshop in school is like?  Talking, sharing, writing, more talking, more writing, more sharing, all done with the smiles and enthusiasm of kids at the beach in the summer.  The past week of “writing experiments” is what I am going to keep in mind next year when I help teachers set up their writing workshop.  I want all kids to feel like writing can be “a day at the beach” (I know it is corny but I couldn’t help it)

Classroom Professional Writerly Life Writing

breaking silence— part 2

Coming up with an idea, something I needed to write about, that wasn’t hard. In fact, I easily produced at least five pretty quality topics I could have used. Even then, collecting story seeds around my idea wasn’t hard either. For a few of my topics, I had well over ten pages of writing. But then I had to name the issue, or the common theme throughout the seeds that I would be able to weave into my memoir.

It was in this process of searching and reflecting that I realized this was a project where I could face hard things head on or choose something easy and go through the motions (much like the book report I did on Rachel Carson every year throughout elementary, middle, and high school). But, you don’t travel from PA to New York, pay to go to Columbia, and fork over NYC rent to write a piece that tells you the something you already knew.

Now I’m going to take a second and pause, I’m not sharing my final piece with you. I don’t want to get your hopes up with all this reflecting and then have you be disappointed in the end. I’ve already shared the piece out as far as it goes, which pretty much means the people in my class, and Jess (my writing partner from home), oh and little baby Siena & her awesome momma Michele because they were there for one of the torturous revision sessions I put myself through. Sometimes we (our students too) need to write and not share it with the world. For me the topic I ended up picking is a little too raw to share with everyone, at points it felt too raw for me. So, while I wish I could share some amazing piece with you, know this—I tackled hard stuff, I grew.

Okay back to the process. Once I found the topic that I needed to write about, I asked myself the hard questions, I boxed out the parts of the stories that revealed what I was trying to say. We began to study mentor texts, to see how other authors had done the same thing that we were trying to do.

At this point I began to use a few tricks that we were seeing in mentor texts.

  1. Reflection- using questioning within the text
  2. All the time- this is how it always would go; he would or she would always
  3. One time- but this one day
  4. Symbols & Metaphor

And because I am a classic version of the overachiever, I used all of them.

Even just typing this out, I am amazed at the process, and how much thinking I was forced to do. Somewhere in the middle of all this, we revised for structure. We had been doing a lot of up close looking at the text and working within reflection for so long that I had almost forgotten to pull myself away and analyze the story structure.

The story structure thing, it was pretty huge for me, so I’m going to stop here and save that for its own blog. It deserves it.

To be continued . . .


Classroom Professional Writerly Life Writing

breaking silence—part 1

It’s Saturday morning and I owe you myself a little bit more in the way of reflection on this past week (umm where did this week go? & I may never come back).

Let me start by saying, there is something crucial to writing, the way it helps us remember, process, and pause. One of the best parts of this week at Columbia may not have been the way I learned to teach my students, but rather the way I learned to teach myself.

In my morning class, with Sara Kugler, we focused on memoir. Memoir is different from personal narrative in that while a personal narrative is written from the perspective of the main character experiencing the event for the first time, a memoir is written from where the author is today looking back—it includes the truth of your experience.

Sara quoted Katherine Bomer often in class, which pretty much captured my heart from the beginning . . .

We write memoir to break the silence surrounding who we are.
We write memoir to awaken the I.
We write memoir to bear witness.

Maybe it was then that I realized I was in the right place. This is the writing my heart needs and fears at the same time. This is the writing my kids need me to show them. I would pay close attention. I would learn how to teach and pull from my kids. I would allow myself to be taught and pulled.

Then the assignment: go the places you don’t usually let yourself go.

I have to say it was hard for me, not hard like I really had to focus hard, hard like I sat for what felt like hours with pen in hand doing nothing but crossing out the previously written word.

But, just because something is hard or just because my pen wasn’t writing as fast as it normally does, doesn’t mean I wasn’t learning, doesn’t mean it wasn’t exactly what I needed.

To be continued . . .